A study shows that chronic cocaine abuse speeds up the process of brain aging. The research revealed that age related loss of grey matter inside the human brain is increased in those who are addicted to cocaine in comparison to healthy people. For the research, the investigators scanned the brains of 120 individuals ...Read More...
Health professionals have for some time recognized a connection between abuse of alcohol and anxiety disorders like PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder. People who drink a lot have an increased risk of traumatic events such as domestic violence and automobile accidents, but that just partly explains the connection ...Read More...
On the list of obstacles to recovery from substance abuse is the cost of rehab. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), there are in excess of 11,000 addiction treatment centers in America. The addiction treatment industry is estimated to have income of $34 billion by 2014, ...Read More...
The food addiction quiz is based on the Yale Food Addiction Scale, a scale made to detect those showing signs of addiction towards some kinds of foods like: Sweets such as chocolate, candy, doughnuts, ice cream, cake, cookies. Starches such as rice, pasta, white bread and rolls. Salty snack foods such as ...Read More...
There are no exclusive crack addiction symptoms or single test that clearly indicates that someone has crack addiction, skilled medical workers need to diagnose it. Since many of the crack addiction symptoms are also signs of certain mental illnesses, a trained health worker should gather a complete medical, family, ...Read More...
Internet Addiction Statistics point to the chance of online addictions getting more common as our use and reliance on the net grows. Due to a number of reasons there are rather few reliable global figures for an exact study of global Internet Addiction Statistics. The key factors include the speed of growth in the ...Read More...
Forty years ago, LSD for alcoholism treatment was utilized with positive results. Throughout the 1950s to 1970s, scientists experimented with LSD for alcoholism as well as in the treating of several other conditions. Not all the trials were scientifically acceptable by present day standards, but some had been. ...Read More...
What is Rehab? Rehab is the shortened version of the word rehabilitation, and is commonly used as reference to addiction treatment, even though it in fact can refer to a wide range of methods that are used to support individuals having various different problems. Addiction rehabilitation is usually a term used for ...Read More...
According to a study, the Prometa treatment program, a crystal meth addiction treatment, isn't any more beneficial than placebo in reducing crystal meth addiction, keeping patients in treatment, or reducing crystal meth cravings. The research was in fact funded by the company that owns the Prometa treatment. The Prometa ...Read More...
The serious mental and physical health issues of injecting meth are generally well known, but there has however been very little research regarding injecting meth and suicidal behavior. In a 7 year study, researchers found out that those drug users who were injecting meth had an 80% higher risk of attempted suicide compared ...Read More...