Your Brain On Bath Salts Infographic

The recreational drug MDPV, better known as “bath salts,” could be more addictive compared to methamphetamine, currently one of the most addictive substances. “Bath salts” drugs are in fact derived from cathinone, the main active component in a leaf known as khat, which is chewed throughout the Arabian Peninsula ...Read More...

Prometa Treatment For Crystal Meth Addiction Not Effective

According to a study, the Prometa treatment program, a crystal meth addiction treatment, isn't any more beneficial than placebo in reducing crystal meth addiction, keeping patients in treatment, or reducing crystal meth cravings. The research was  in fact funded by the company that owns the Prometa treatment. The Prometa ...Read More...

Injecting Meth Increases Attempted Suicide More Than Other Drugs

The serious mental and physical health issues of injecting meth are generally well known, but there has however been very little research regarding injecting meth and suicidal behavior. In a 7 year study, researchers found out that those drug users who were injecting meth had an 80% higher risk of attempted suicide compared ...Read More...